My Mom’s an Alcoholic

Dr. Misty Hook
3 min readDec 27, 2022
Photo by Elina Sazonova at Pexels

Question: My mom drinks alcohol a lot. When she’s drunk, she acts stupid, like being silly or having accidents in the car. Sometimes we get into fights because I’m so mad at her for not acting normal or being like other moms. When we fight, I hurt her but I don’t let her hurt me. My dad gets really mad at her too. He calls her an alcoholic and says they’re getting divorced. Both of them talk badly about the other. I don’t know what to do.

Answer: You’re dealing with two of the most difficult situations a child can be in: divorce and a parent who’s addicted to a substance. I imagine both situations leave you feeling angry, helpless and out of control. These are very typical feelings for kids dealing with these problems but most especially addiction. Unfortunately, being affected by addiction is not uncommon. Substance abuse problems plague anywhere from 45–68% of the U.S. population and approximately 19 million children are exposed to parental alcohol dependence, alcohol abuse, or both. So please know that you are not alone.

When dealing with a parent who’s an alcoholic, it’s critical for you to receive help so that you know what to expect and how to behave. Although your father may have been a good resource in the past (and may be again in the future), the divorce is preventing him from being as helpful as he could be right now. Thus, it may be better to find outside resources…

