Stay At Home Mom Needs Help Controlling Her Anxiety

Dr. Misty Hook
3 min readJun 13, 2023

Question: I’m a stay-at-home mom of three children, all under the age of five (one is 8 months old). I’m happy I can stay home and I try to enjoy our time together but I get so scared that I spend the entire day miserable. I can’t keep from worrying that something is going to happen to me and I won’t be able to raise my kids. My doctor put me on anxiety medication and it seems to be working but the worry is still there. What else can I do to help myself?

Answer: There could be many reasons why you’re feeling such a large amount of anxiety. It could be a result of having recently given birth, being a stay-at-home mother to three young children (that’s a tough job!), or it could be that you’re exposing yourself to things that make you anxious. I know some stay at home parents who watch quite a bit of talk shows and news channels. Especially lately, I recommend these shows get turned off or watched sparingly because they foster unnecessary anxiety. Focus instead on what you can control.

Anxiety feeds upon itself which is why distraction techniques are so key to managing it. Given that you stay home with young children, you may not get out as much as you’d like. This needs to change. Schedule your day so you get out at least once and interact with other adults. Have a friend come over, attend a playdate, have a trusted individual…

