The Morning Show: The Story of Today

Dr. Misty Hook
8 min readAug 30, 2021
Photo by Mihai Surdu on Unsplash

*Spoilers for the first season of The Morning Show

I never liked Matt Lauer. He’s every white man who finds success mostly through luck and privilege but is convinced it’s solely due to his skill. You could see it in the dismissive way he treated those around him and in his utter conviction that people should hang on his every word.

My dislike really kicked into high gear during the 2016 campaign. I seethed when Lauer was chosen to moderate one of the presidential debates. Others would’ve been way more qualified and why not a woman as a nod to our first major female presidential candidate? I thought he’d be terrible at it and, sure enough, I was right. After watching him treat Hillary Clinton so disparagingly, I despised him. Yet another misogynist in power; our country is full of them.

That’s why I wasn’t at all surprised when he was fired in 2017 for “inappropriate sexual behavior” in the workplace. He seemed like the type. I also wasn’t shocked by NBC’s circle-the-wagons claim that they had no idea about his sexual predation. Sure, they didn’t. Given the multiple allegations that eventually came out, they either didn’t want to know or actively suppressed accusations. I’m going with Door #2.

It was all so terrible, especially since the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements stalled just as they should’ve gotten…

