Two Names for Grandson Will Be Fine

Dr. Misty Hook
2 min readJan 3, 2023
Photo by Gratisography at Pexels

Question: My daughter recently had a child with a man she barely knows. The two of them don’t get along well and he’s sometimes hostile towards her in front of their son. The father has limited visitation which is good. However, he and his family refuse to call my grandson by his given name. I’m worried that this conflict over my grandson’s name will have a negative impact on him. We don’t want him to be confused.

Answer: It’s very disappointing when co-parents cannot get along with each other because it is in the best interests of the child(ren) that they do. All of the literature on divorce supports the idea that it’s the conflict and not the separation that damages children (which means that parents who are still together but fight all the time are doing damage as well). Thus, you’re right to be concerned.

One of the characteristics of high conflict family disputes is that both co-parents tend to try and change the other. This is impossible because the only person in charge of change is you. Consequently, any effort your daughter expends trying to change the father (her co-parent) is wasted, so she might as well stop. He won’t change until he wants to which may be never. That’s the bad news.

The good news is that your daughter can transform the situation merely by changing her behavior. One of the things she can change is to…

